Common Mistakes in English pdf

Common Mistakes in English pdf


This book has been designed to meet the requirements of students whose mother tongue is not English. Its main purpose is to help to correct the common mistakes to which foreign learners of English are liable.
The method adopted throughout this work is uniform. All the errors dealt with are singled out, for they have to be recognised before they can be corrected: then correct forms are substituted for incorrect ones; finally, simple explanations are given wherever necessary to justify particular usages. Exercises are set at the end to ensure that the principles may become firmly fixed in the students’ minds.
It is not claimed that this manual is exhaustive. Nevertheless, the difficulties tackled are real, and the examples are representative of the mistakes commonly made by foreign students of English, being the result of observations made over a long period of time.
Much care has been given to the preparation of the Index. which it is hoped will make the book a useful work of reference.
My acknowledgements are due to Mr W. H. G. Popplestone. who has read my manuscript and made many valuable suggestions.



Written by Library


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